You might have one or you’ve probably seen them around, but do you know the name of those small tags that hang on key chains? They’re key fobs, and they are security tokens that are handy to have.
Key fobs are little hardware devices that have built-in authentication mechanisms. These security tokens provide two-factor authentication. Users have personal identification numbers (PINs) and the authority to log on to a network. Unique PINs give fob owners access to secured information.
People find key fobs useful because they are physical objects and are easy to keep track of. If a key fob ever goes missing, its owner immediately knows that is has been lost or compromised. Comparably, this loss or theft is different than if someone’s password is hacked: it is much easier to detect theft and take steps to protect data when a fob is involved.
ID Edge carries key fobs to ensure customers’ and organizations’ security. Our key fobs are top-quality, and meet the needs and specifications of any business. Take a look at our stock of key fobs, and feel free to contact us with questions.